Welcome and a little intro to fifi fm, be prepared to be blessed with some beautiful music

Music was my first love, it is a therapy to me, it’s medicine for the soul – pure magic. It has gotten me through many a dark days and accompanied me through the brighter ones too. I believe we come across certain songs just at the right time when we needed to hear it most, like a sign or synchronicity on our path and journey through life. Sometimes one song can just find words even we struggle or fail to “where words fail, music speaks, Shakespeare” or it can even transport us back to a moment in time and fond memories with those near and dear, loved and lost. I feel such a strong connection to music and think its a gift to the world, so I would like to share with you the beautiful music I have stumbled upon through out my journey, my gift to you “Listen, love and enjoy beautiful peoples” be sure to tune in when you need some medicine for your soul.

“dear music, thank you for always clearing my head, healing my heart and lifting my spirits”